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I would like to add features: FEATURES Real-time API Monitoring: Track API performance and availability in real-time. Error Tracking and Alerts: Identify and track API errors with customizable alerts. Performance Insights: Gain valuable insights into API performance for optimization. Debugging Tools: Efficiently debug and resolve issues in your API implementations. Integration Support: Seamlessly integrate Treblle with popular development tools. Historical Data Analysis: Analyze historical trends for long-term performance improvements. Security Monitoring: Detect and address potential vulnerabilities in API implementations. Documentation Generation: Automatically generate up-to-date API documentation. Scalability and Reliability: Ensure high scalability and reliability for large-scale API monitoring. User-friendly Interface: Intuitive interface for easy navigation and efficient monitoring. PRICING FREE 250K API requests/mo 1 user 14 day data retention Unlimited projects STARTER (99$/month) 1M API requests/mo 5 users 30 day data retention Unlimited projects TEAM (299$/month) 5M API requests/mo 10 users 60 day data retention Unlimited projects ENTERPRISE (custom) Custom API requests/mo Unlimited users Customizable data retention Unlimited projects SHORT INTRO Treblle: The lightweight SDK for rapid API development, real-time monitoring, analytics, automated API docs, alongside automated API security audits. Easy integration & 18+ language/framework support.
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